
Showing posts from June, 2020

Is it a good thing to tear down statues?

Is it a good thing to tear down statues?  Recent media attention has been focused around the presence of statues around the U.K. and shows protesters either attempting to tear them down or defend them. The debate has come to lack nuance and seems to have divided along the lines of ‘racists want statues’ and ‘anti-racists hate statues’ but we (Jack Johnson and Papa Obeng) think this is somewhat ridiculous and want attempt to provide a more nuanced approach to this issue. If you fall into one of the above camps you will probably find something in this blog post that you agree with and also that you disagree with, read on if you will.  It’s worth saying at the outset that this debate is happening too late. Its 2020 over 200 years after we abolished the slave trade the fact that this conversation hasn’t happened yet is ridiculous. and we want to make it known from the beginning that we believe racism and slavery are abhorrent. As is its nature, however, government is slow and so